January - June 2021
Coming again in 2022! Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates.
This intimate, 6 month journey will take us into some of the most meaningful aspects of life as we actively shift from survival mode to thriving.
The Creative Life Series was designed by Jim Morningstar of Transformations USA. Jim is a Master teacher and breathworker. I could spend the rest of my days exploring the depth and wisdom in this one program alone.
Each month we will have a theme, and you will be provided with a recording of Jim's teaching to be listened to before we gather as a group (virtually). In the group sessions we will discuss the content, breathe together, and share our challenges, realizations, and breakthroughs. There will be supportive practices, connection, and homework between each monthly group meeting.
Every class will be held on the last Wednesday of each month from 5:30-8:30pm CST starting January 27, 2021.
The dates and themes of each class are below.
Cost: $150 per month OR $50 per month with membership.
There is a very brief application process to make sure this is the right program for you. Please, email me at to request an application.
Space is limited! Apply via email (link above).
Session 1.
January 27
Reconditioning the mind by learning and experimenting with the principals of how it works; integrating my highest spiritual purpose with my material and emotional desires; putting myself pleasurably in the driver’s seat of my life.
Session 2.
February 24​
Reading and releasing my body; mastering its flow of energy and how it communicates; deep listening and working with the body to empower its natural healing and thriving potential. Inviting and cultivating a pleasurable and friendly relationship to my body.
Session 3.
March 31
Living with the sense of abundance; meeting and exceeding my financial and occupational goals; setting up my life to give and receive at greater levels of pleasure and satisfaction. Welcoming and exploring the nature of thriving.
Session 4.
April 28
Loving Relationships
Releasing ineffective relationship patterns and increasing my potential for love and pleasure with others; how getting the fulfillment I want benefits everyone and contributes to a healthful eco-system of thriving relationships throughout my community.
Session 5.
May 26
An experience of multilevel awareness which deepens my sense of direction and purpose in this life; an extraordinary adventure. We are coming to know that what the mind can fathom is just a small part of the pie. Expanding out awareness is the gift that keeps on giving.
Session 6.
June 30
Living with the experience of having made it and the excitement of new discovery at the same time; freedom from the “Parental Disapproval Syndrome” and the “Need/Obligate Patterns.” Living without the urgency that often motivates us hurry up and be better, always falling short of satisfaction for where we are now.