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All online classes are on hold through the end of July 2020.


Please, visit the Covid-19 Update page for information on online offerings. 

For information on classes or for general information, contact Kate R. Becker: |907-957-0852

Weekly Calendar

Weekly classes are held at SWAHA YOGA, 623 N. Rendon St.  New Orleans LA 70119



5 am - 6:30 am
Kundalini Yoga


7 - 8 pm

Radical Dance Aerobics


8:15 pm - 9:15 pm

The Radiant Shadow




5 am - 6:30 am
Kundalini Yoga





5 am - 6:30 am

Kundalini Yoga

Class Descriptions:

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga combines meditation, breathing and physical actions or postures. It’s a beautiful and powerful practice. We begin with some warm ups and a brief meditation, we then move into a set (Kriya) designed for various objectives, we will often do an active meditation after this followed by a deep relaxation with gone or bells. We explore a wide variety of sets, meditations and breathing patterns. This practice is great for beginners or experienced yogis. Come practice in the ambrosia hours, empower your day, connect to your soul's purpose. Donations accepted.

Radical Dance Aerobics
This is a lead and follow style aerobics class with bits of free form movement woven in. The routines are accessible and designed to pump you up and put you in touch with your inner vitality, inspiration and intuition. The things that no longer serve us, we burn down. The light we already are, we reveal. Sliding scale $10-$20.

The Radiant Shadow
This class is a meditation and prayer on its feet. We follow the deep and full breath, letting patterns of movement and sound emerge organically. This is a facilitated free form class. The goal is to stay with yourself and stay with your breath, no matter what arises. There is guided meditation, vocalization, and improvisational movement all woven together. We follow a cyclic breathing pattern to help bring us to a state where realization, awe and expression can take place. Bring everything with you, unsorted and complex, arrive at a unified emptiness, where everything is possible. No experience necessary. Sliding scale $10-$20.


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