Hello Family!
There is so much to say at this time of drastic uncertainty. I will keep this simple because simplicity feels healing right now. When we breathe, we can be more embodied. When we are embodied, we can feel more alive and less alone because we are not lost in thoughts or consumed with worry. We have greater access to feelings of safety, inspiration, knowing, grace and hope.
I miss seeing you; I miss being together. This physical separation won’t last forever, but we can be supported now with these group practices to get the most out of this complex time and to approach the unfolding chapters with curiosity, clarity and trust. Doing work online is different, I’ll give you that! However, I’ve been consistently impressed with how much intimacy, growth, and beauty we are still able to share.
Weekly Schedule
Underneath the schedule you will find information on how to participate as well as class descriptions.
Please, note: All online classes are on hold through the end of July 2020. Online classes will resume in August.
5-6:30am Kundalini Yoga
8-9am Daily Breathe
8-9am Daily Breathe
5-6:30am Kundalini yoga
8-9am Daily Breathe
2:45-4:45 Deep Breathe
8-9 Daily Breathe
5-6:30am Kundalini Yoga
8-9am Daily Breathe
8-9am Daily Breathe
Give from the Heart Donations accepted:
Paypal: regen211@yahoo.com
Venmo: kate-becker-16
How to Join Zoom Meeting:
Use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9079570852
Connect by logging into your zoom account and typing in my phone number: 907-957-0852
Guidelines for Online Classes
Please log in a few minutes before the class time. Make sure you have a comfortable place to practice where you won’t be disturbed. Please have your video turned on, as we would like to cultivate a strong sense of the group. You can move out of the frame during the practice if you choose.
Online Class Descriptions
Daily Breathe: “Returning to Stillness”
Daily 8-9am
We have a hearty core group and welcome any new participants. You are welcome to pop in as needed or to use it as part of your daily structure and routine. We warm up with a guided meditation and musings on the theme of the day and some pranayama or other physical warm up. Then we have a brief opportunity to check in with our intention. This whole first part lasts about 15-20 minutes. We then connect the breath in more formal practice for 20 minutes often supported by music. There is a chance to share briefly what was meaningful for you, and then we close.
I couldn’t have known at the onset how meaningful this practice, consistency, and community would become for me. I just knew that it felt right. From this daily format we’ve been able to explore a few relevant themes. For example:
When facing uncertainty, how to choose the energetic pathway of discovery and exploration rather than control and judgment.
What is true safety from a spiritual perspective?
What does it mean to “be guided” and how do we access, strengthen, and align with our own guidance?
These are just a few examples. You are welcome to check out this offering without obligation of any kind. It runs on a donations system. Please have a quite comfortable place to sit, log in on time, and give us (and yourself) your full attention for the duration.
Kundalini Yoga
M/W/F 5-6:30am
This practice is such an anchor. We’ve been working on a Kriya called “the foundation for infinity” which is a beautiful, moderate level set. There is breathing, meditation and asana.
Deep Breathe
Wednesdays 2:45-4:45pm
This is a weekly breathwork session available to those who’ve had some previous breathwork experience. It’s a 50 minute breath cycle with music and verbal guidance from me throughout. If you are interested in this class, please send me a message! We’d love to have you.